Hi, I'm Rhonda, lovely to meet you!
Conscious Leadership Coach | Facilitator | Life Transformer
First and foremost.... I'm a 1970's babe born in NZ, a wife of Dean, mum of Rhiannon, Bronwyn + Bethany, and a bonus-mum of Tiana + Finn.
I'm also a sister, daughter + friend. I yoga, garden, run and make chutney. Dean and I build tiny homes in Tamahere, Waikato - for fun and for sale!
And this is my career journey... (the 'Learner' addict in me)
I'm a qualified Professional Coach in Transformational Coaching (Coach Masters Academy).
I'm a certified Mastery Method Coach (Institute of Coaching Mastery)
I'm an ACC - Associate Credited Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
I'm a member of the ICF, bound by their code of ethics
I'm a student of the XChange Approach (facilitation method)
I'm a qualified mindfulness practitioner (Ovio)
I'm a certified SOSHA Breathwork Facilitator
A graduate of the MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) programme
I have an Adult & Tertiary education qualification.
And I'm a chartered accountant of 25 years.
These are my Clifton Strengths:
Part 1 - My life journey in bullet points
ATTENDED 11 SCHOOLS - pleased to say I was expelled from none (that I know of!)!
Spent 15 years overseas working in Melbourne, Russia and the UK
25 years as a chartered accountant, yet I hadn't found my calling!
Jumped, leapt, out of corporate
Gathered everything I knew from 14 years of self education and inside out work
Spent a further four years studying, qualified in mindfulness, positive psychology and transformational coaching.
This changed my life - grand statement, but true.
Found my calling - sweet spot between passion, strengths, values + what the world needs.
And here I am - in support of your journey

Part 2 - My life journey with a few bumps
ONCE UPON A TIME, I was struggling to get out of the shower, dreading my day ahead and the sh*t I'd be dealing with, with people I found difficult to be with. I'd lost my spark + enthusiasm for eveeeerything. Even the stuff I used to love! And while I was super fit, I was also really unhealthy. I was numbing my pain and turning it into suffering with retail therapy, 'busyness', risky behaviour and comparison.
Underneath I had a growing fear of damaging my girls ‘forever’, losing my job, or worse, my mind. On a treacherous treadmill, I was eventually diagnosed with 'high functioning burnout'.
My transformation - which is always a work in progress I might add - was longer + more expensive than it needed to be, because I was determined I could do it 'by-self'. Which of course, I couldn't. Partnering with a coach, mindfulness and self leadership were the game changers.
Yet I take great comfort in knowing that absolutely everything I’ve been through has shaped me, nothing is wasted. There's value in all the good, bad + uncomfortable paths + people in my life.
Now I choose where and when I work, I partner with people I choose to be with, doing work I love. My relationships, health, outlook and temperament - they've ALL upgraded. My human experience is one of my own making. It's not perfect - but 'better than before' is PERFECT for me!
Part 3 - My life journey warts 'n all!
You're in safe, knowing, hands
I'm a qualified professional transformational coach with 1000's of hours of facilitation and coaching experience. My mahi draws on my own 25 year corporate career, my lived experience of burnout and transformation, and the research backed tools of mindfulness, positive psychology and neuroscience.
I'm super passionate and fascinated by the human neuroscience and physiological response to stress and how this impacts how we show up in life. My love for learning in this space never wanes.
Perhaps MOST importantly, I love my mahi - because I get to help people achieve their goals, attain their deepest desires and upgrade their human experience.

Here are seven reasons why working with me may work for you!
ONE I promise transform
I take my promise to ‘transform’ seriously, literally, practically. I move beyond just giving you information hoping you’ll change ‘something’. Instead I help you answer the question: “why do we do what we do when we know what we know?”. Which means you fundamentally change your view of the world and transform the way you communicate, behave and act. Your learning becomes a lived experience. That’s transformation!
I spent 25 years in the corporate sector during which I stressed and strived to “have it all”. After the inevitable burnout, I commenced my own rebuilding and reconnecting journey. Which means I bring the whole of myself to my work. I encourage you to share your stories too to create a, rich and memorable experience. It is only through being vulnerable and honest that we can connect.
THREE I honour your uniqueness
I don’t have a one-hit-wonder answer for you. I acknowledge that what works for one may not work for another. I invest time upfront to listen to you tell me about your culture, your people and your needs. We work together to determine what will work best for you.
FIVE I set out to become redundant
Sound odd? It’s my mission to do such a great job at helping you learn to lead yourself from the inside out, that you’re carving out your own journey, on your own. I'll fill your kete by providing a complete toolbox of strategies and practices. Which means you have plenty to refer to and draw upon - not just an abstract set of powerpoint slides - as your transformational journey to self leadership, self awareness and self empowerment continues well beyond the coaching.
FOUR I combine corporate experience, mindfulness AND science
I've 'been there done that' on the corporate stage, I know how hard it can be. I know that the difference between languishing and a rich, fulfilling human experience is our perception and our response to life. That about sums up mindfulness & the neuroscience: when we're present, when we observe our thoughts without judgement (mindfulness) and understand how our brain works then we're better able to protect our attention, better able to cope, better able to bounce back from the rough stuff boldly - and most importantly, we're better able to upgrade our human experience!
SIX I’m “never done" learning
I’ve been practicing mindfulness for years. First as a matter of necessity, now as a profession to transform others’ lives. I’m addicted to growth and learning – my value of being curious and growing stands true. Which means you’ll always be getting fresh, proven and ‘the real’ material.
For example: even while I was living the corporate version of my life I attended Google's Search Inside Yourself mindful leaders conference, Mindful Leaders Conference, Start With You Resilience, Coach Approach, Navigational Conversations, Life Coaching and more! Since then? Positive Psychology's Realizing Resilience, Ovio, MBSR, ICF Coaching, Mindset Reset, Adult & Tertiary Learning... yup, fair to say it's an addiction!
SEVEN I work with ‘all sorts’
I've worked with NGOs, lawyers, inmates, counsellors, refugees, boards, professional services, ex-prisoners, school teachers, students, community organisations, builders, manufacturing and individuals. Because regardless of what we do or where we're from, none of us is immune from adversity. Which means I'm authentic, genuine and compassionate to you all.